The Numbers Point to a Seller's Market
The real estate market numbers are improving rapidly in San Luis Obispo county.
So far in the month of July closed sales are up 5% (can't believe I can say that now!). Pending sales (homes moving into escrow) are even with last year and they have been down for the last 4 months. Add all that to the fact that new listings are down by 35% and you end up with a seller's market. Available inventory is low and dropping. Homes that are priced at market are now starting to receive multiple offers again. Price per square foot is also starting to move up again. So... if you've been holding off putting your home on the market, now is a great time to sell.
Another reason for the seller's market is the fact that interest rates are remaining historically low... which helps buyers buy more and which therefore powers buyer demand. Low inventory and high demand pushes prices up.
If you are ready to consider selling I recommend that you take a hard look at my "Kept Equity" listing plan. So many listing strategies are focused on selling a home quickly but may leave seller's money on the table. My plan is not only focused on selling efficiently but also on maximizing the net return on your home investment... meaning more money in your bank account at the close of escrow. Please click this link to my website to see the details... and please email, text or call me with questions:
I stand ready to help you either find the home you love... or help you sell and pocket more profit!